Reverend Dr. Tamara Thomas


Dr. Tamara Thomas has more than 27 years of service in the education industry, earned two Master’s Degrees, and a Doctoral Degree. She serves as an adjunct Professor of Leadership at the Doctoral Level and has served in educational leadership positions at the state, district, and school levels in New York and North Carolina. These positions include state instructional reviewer, district executive director of school improvement and student support services, school principal, and administrator K-13 in Charter and Traditional Public School systems.

In consulting capacities, Dr. Thomas has served as an external board reviewer for the NC Department of Public Instruction’s Office of Charter Schools and as a School Quality Reviewer with School Works through National Heritage Academies. She has conducted state-level audits to both assess and evaluate the use of Federal Funding in various NC Districts. She has worked to professionally develop local boards of education and senior district leadership staff in select NC districts. She has extensive experience preparing districts for reaccreditation, public schools for transformation model reauthorization, and preparing applications for new school and charter ventures. Additionally, Thomas has extensive experience designing, facilitating, and implementing district-wide processes for strategic planning, cultural transformation, and the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework for continuous school improvement.

Dr. Thomas has facilitated numerous professional learning workshops and has served as a presenter and panelist. The conferences below are a few spaces where her work has been featured:

  • Lexia Learning Systems® – Transforming Literacy: The Science of Reading Secondary. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
  • NC LiFT Conference – Building an Impactful MTSS Framework. NC Department of Public Instruction – Office of Integrated Academic and Behavior Systems. Greensboro, NC
  • NC Department of Public Instruction Restart Professional Learning Network – Leveraging Flexibility to Support Special Populations: EC / EL / ED / Gender / Race. NC State Office of District and Regional Support; Virtual – Statewide, NC
  • Lexia Learning Systems® Navigating Adolescent Literacy: A Thought Partnership Web Conversation. Virtual – Statewide, NC
  • Durham Public Schools of NC Senior Leadership Retreat/Superintendent’s Cabinet: Collaboration | Community | Teaming – How to engage district teams with the new strategic plan. Wrightsville Beach, NC



Dr. Tamara L. Thomas, CEO & Chief Consultant​​:
Phone: (919) 480-2010 | Email:

Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM EST
Friday: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM EST

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